ORIGINS OF THE ZODIAC THE MYTHOLOGY OF ARIES Latin Name: Aries meaning 'ram'Constellation: AriesArchetype: The RamAssociations: Dumuzi and Amun-RaPlanetary Ruler: Mars The sign of Aries (Latin for 'Ram') has led the tropical zodiac since its codification around the second century BCE, when the constellation of Aries rose with the vernal equinox, marking the beginning of the astrological year. However, due to axial precession, Aries anciently brought up the zodiacal rear. Taurus began the year in the earliest Mesopotamian records and Aries signified its culmination. In the Babylonian star catalogues, the constellation Aries was known as Lu-Hun-ga, the Hired Hand or Farmhand. At least as early as the 11th century BCE, this constellation began to be associated with Dumuzi, the Mesopotamian deity who watched over shepherds. As a god of agriculture and overseer of flocks, Dumuzi was affiliated with the springtime and milk, which would spoil in the summertime heat. CONNECTION TO ARIES ARIES: THE RAM By the reign of the ancient Egyptians, the constellation of Aries had taken up its place ushering in the spring equinox. There, it became allied with the fertility god Amun-Ra, depicted as a ram-headed sphinx or, after the New Kingdom, a ram-headed man. Amun-Ra, a syncretization of Amun, the patron deity of Thebes, and the sun god, Ra, was called the King of the Gods. Thus, Aries assumed the title 'Lord of the Head', paralleling the sign’s ascendency to the head of the zodiacal order. The Hellenistic Greeks mythologized Aries by linking it to the ancient Greek accounts of Chrysomallos, the winged, golden-fleeced ram that rescued the royal twins, Helle and Phrixus, from the wrath of their evil stepmother, Ino. Jealous of the siblings’ claim to the country of Boeotia, Ino manufactured a famine. She then bribed the men tasked with consulting the local oracle for guidance on the matter to lie and say that the famine could only be ended by sacrificing the children to Zeus. Their real mother, Nephele, sent Chrysomallos to transport the twins out of harm’s way to the kingdom of Colchis. Unfortunately, Helle fell off the ram’s back into the ocean and died. Phrixus, having successfully made the safe passage, sacrificed Chrysomallos in gratitude. The sacrifice of a ram in place of a human life spared can also be seen in the Israelite mythology of Abraham and his son Isaac as detailed in the Old Testament. The golden fleece of Chrysomallos was hung in the grove of the war god Ares as a symbol of royal authority and later became the chief pursuit of Jason and his heroic Argonauts. Jason was promised the throne of the city of Iolkus, which had been usurped by his uncle, if he could retrieve the sacred hide. Following a series of adventures, Jason attained the fleece but ultimately failed to reclaim his throne. Because the sun’s entrance into Aries marks the birth of the new astrological year, Aries invites us to assume a new quest and become the hero of our own story. However, its mythology also serves as a modern-day cautionary tale, encouraging us to leverage our enthusiasm wisely and keep our eyes on an achievable prize. THE INITIATION OF ARIES Aries is the first astrological sign of the zodiac, embodying the spirit of initiation. It indicates a period where we feel energized and brave. It is the first of three fire signs and those born under this sign tend to have lively, dynamic personalities. It is also one of four cardinal signs that mark the start of the seasons, emphasizing Aries’ action-orientation. In Aries season, we formulate goals, gather our courage and take our first bold step into the unknown. Who are we? What do we stand for? Aries asks us to define our mission statement. If you become overwhelmed with the magnitude of an undertaking, look to the ram for guidance. This creature charges to show dominance and Aries natives know that a few ill-thought-out decisions might be made in the name of proving ourselves or kick-starting a crusade. But rams also have excellent vision. We can take this quality as a cue to lead through inspiration instead of brute force. Aries season efforts might not prove immediately successful, but they are always fruitful because, through trial and error, we gain experience and confidence for the journey ahead. MYTHS AS MAPS In the quiet pull of the stars, there lies a map - spiralling back to our origins where myths and mysteries once intertwined with breath and bone. Reconnecting with these ancient stories in the realm of astrology is like stepping into an old song, whose melody we somehow remember yet cannot fully place. Each constellation a whisper, each planet a pulse, guiding us through a universe that knows us deeper than we know ourselves. Here, myths are not merely tales but ancestral truths, woven into the fabric of our being, inviting us to reclaim fragments of ourselves lost in the modern rush. In the language of the heavens, we find our names written across epochs, asking us to listen, to remember, to understand that the vastness above is mirrored within. To know the stars is, in a profound way, to know ourselves. Working with Aries mythology Working with Aries mythology ignites a journey of courage, individuality, and renewal. Here are three ways to weave this fiery wisdom into your story: 1. Follow the flame of the Ram Aries, symbolized by the bold ram, charges forward with unshakable determination. Let this image guide you to embrace your own instinctual drive and fearlessness. Reflect on the mountains you climb - are they calling you toward growth, or are they challenges waiting for your resolve? 2. Draw strength from Mars’ fire Ruled by Mars, Aries embodies the spirit of action, passion, and combativeness. Look to myths of warriors and pioneers as maps to harness your inner fire. Chart where bold action is needed in your life, balancing your pursuit of victory with the wisdom of restraint and strategy. 3. Step into the Hero’s quest Aries connects to myths of heroic beginnings, such as Jason and the Golden Fleece. These tales inspire you to embark on your own quests, taking risks and claiming new territories. Reflect on where your courage can spark renewal, carving a path of authenticity and leadership in the face of uncertainty. ARIES JOURNALING PROMPTS In your journal, let myth guide you to explore the below prompts during Aries Season. 1. What is your mission? Mission is easily misconstrued with career or occupation. You are not what you do for work. Something more primal drives you. Can you put it into words? 2. What recent misadventure can you reframe as a success story? Perhaps you didn’t get the results you desired, but you did get results. How might you make an unexpected outcome work for you? (If your attention drifts to the past during this exercise, practice bringing it back to the present moment.) 3. Set a goal to achieve today. Set a goal to achieve this year. t’s likely that your annual goal is exponentially more ambitious than your daily goal. Yet your daily goal is exponentially more attainable, because today is where you are. Remember, each sunrise presents an opportunity to pursue your grand vision. Breaking it down into smaller parts will allow you to make progress one day at a time. We all embody each of the twelve signs within us, share this with others in your life. Written by Nyssa Grazda & Magic of I. Connect daily with Astro-Mythology and the cosmosSHOP 2025 PLANNERS